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Do you have a nagging issue or gnawing worry. Write to me and I can probably help you work your way through the problem. All of us carry our own secret baggage - trust me you'll feel much better once you don't have to carry that weight around anymore. I am not really a shrink - more like an agony aunt who'll listen to your problems and try and give you answers..all for free! Well, so do you care to share?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Angels and Demons

Angelina Jolie has been a woman whose beauty and spunk I've admired for years. I was really excited to meet her and her appearance did not dissapoint at all. Her beauty is almost intimidating and you feel like you're in the presence of royalty when Angelina is in front of you. The camera does not capture the depth in her eyes and I can find no fault in Brad Pitt or any other man/woman that is drawn to her magnetism. What troubles could this wonder woman have? Why did she want to meet me? I was ready to hear her story and help her as best as I could.
Angelina Jolie
Angelina has transformed herself from a knife collecting, sexual wild child to a very sensuous woman, compassionate mother and a model world citizen. On the face of it this progression looks effortless and a natural "growing-up" process. But to the person actually making the transition it is a difficult and often times tempestuous struggle. Angie is the kind of soul that is deeply impressionable. Every role, every character has a deep, dark impact on her. Her own life has often been an imitation of a character that she watched on screen. She loves the current stage of her life, the sexiest man alive as her partner, a bevy of kids that she can play mother to, a platform to do good and pay back to society. Its a very fulfilling role and she should be very content with it. But even angels have demons hidden inside of them. Angie often finds herself longing for the carefree days - where she could make a statement by kissing her own brother for all the world to see or make wild claims of rambunctious sex romps right before an award ceremony. Where she could chop her hair off, dye it dark and proclaim her bisexuality without hesitation. Being a role model, being respectful and playing the conservative role gets tiring for Angie. She sometimes wants to break free and just be the wild child she is. But she's so afraid to disappoint her parnter, her kids, people who look up to her. "I feel like part of me is dying  and on the one hand I want that wild side to disappear forever and on the other hand thats the most dear thing to me. That's who I am - and I don't want to change for anyone else in the world"
Hmm, this was going to be tough. I tried to use an angle that she could probably relate to. Tell me Angelina, if you had mutliple film offers in front of you and money was not the criteria which role would you choose. Would you choose a script similar to what you have done in the past or would you choose something entirely new and challenging. Each and every time you redefined our image you have also completed playing a character in the film called 'Life'. You don't want to go back to repeating the same roles and typecasting yourself. The curtain has fallen on the wild-child scene, the curtain has fallen on the rebellious, give two-hoots-to-society scene. People loved you for your potrayal of those characters, but now its time for newer roles. The current stage is for the philanthropic mother and caring lover role - but there are so many other roles to build upon, so many other people to draw inspiration from and keep redefining yourself. Just remember to choose your projects with care - no one wants to see Helen Mirren playing a college girl and no one is ready to see Natalie Portman play Queen of England. So choose your next avatar that is a good fit for your age and your place in life and remember people who truly love you will love you irrespective of all the hits and misses!

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