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Do you have a nagging issue or gnawing worry. Write to me and I can probably help you work your way through the problem. All of us carry our own secret baggage - trust me you'll feel much better once you don't have to carry that weight around anymore. I am not really a shrink - more like an agony aunt who'll listen to your problems and try and give you answers..all for free! Well, so do you care to share?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


My colleagues and I sometimes get together to discuss ideas or a peculiar human conundrum we might have encountered during our sessions. This time the hot topic was Charlie Sheen, of course! We were going back and forth between salivating at the thought of having him as our patient and thanking the stars that we had no part in that train wreck.
How does one explain Charlie Sheen - especially the majority of us who only have access to the crazy, wild side Charlie so proudly and loudly has put on display. Is it a joke, a pre-suicidal "make-a-big-noise-before-i-die" drama, a once brilliant mind's crazy but sad unraveling? Do we laugh with Charlie, laugh at Charlie or be prepared to say goodbye to Charlie?
Without actually talking and spending some time with him, it is unfair to pass judgement or give any sorta advise to the man - not that any of us thinks Charlie is seeking counsel. Still we did exchange our views on what we thought might be the issue at hand. Some of this I found really interesting and therefore worth sharing.

#Problem child: Charlie's aggressive narcissism and socially deviant lifestyle could be a classic case of psychopathy. Was it childhood abuse, an estranged relation with the mother or other dominant female in his life, a symptom that was overlooked in Charlie's growing years. Children showing strong psychopathic precursors often appear immune to punishment; nothing seems to modify their undesirable behavior. Consequently parents usually give up, and the behavior worsens. Is our poor Charlie, a victim of abuse or neglect?

Charlie Sheen
#Winning, duh: Charlie could be the brightest, most brilliant showman out there! Most people make movies and hope they are believable and can bring in the public - Charlie has turned his life into a movie and people everywhere are flocking to see it. He is the scriptwriter, the director, the casting manager, the actor - all in one - and he's spinning the most captivating tale yet! Brittany Spears had to shave her head and forget to wear her underpants to garner attention. Charlie Sheen - gets fired, sits at home and puts on a webcast and becomes an even bigger superhit - no need for the need for nobody, Charlie can do bad all by himself. In which case, hats off dude!

#Charlie wants out: Charlie pays for sex, has live-in goddesses, parties like a rock star, can turn most projects he touches to gold, has had wives and kids and high paying gigs and Malibu beach abode and he has had about enough! If so much and mind numbing drugs all put together can't still make a man happy - what can, Charlie wonders? Gets depressed, gets turned off with the world and his perceived shallowness and lack of empathy in the world and decides enough is enough. If all the world wants is drama, Charlie will put up a one of kind act and then in front of his captivated audience drop the curtains - that would be the absolute worst outcome.

We hope Charlie finds help and proves everyone's theories wrong and comes out #winning.